Sunday, July 19, 2020


Option 2:

 Ending Violence Against Women

bible violence against women - Google Search

How can we stop assaults from being committed against women?

Violence against women can be prevented by strengthening women's access to basic human rights and resources. We must educate yourself on violence against women by learning the facts and the prevalence. Contacting the local legislators and political leaders and advocate for tougher laws against perpetrators of violence against women. In my perspective  Ending violence against women and girls is an effort that includes everyone in our society. Violence is a violation of a basic human right for safety. Violence against women has been happening for a long time, but we can work together to prevent it in the future. Ending sexual violence against women requires more gender equality in all parts of society. Part of being human is our sexuality. Sex and gender influence many different parts of a person’s life. Sexual violence against women can happen when a woman’s value in society is seen only through her sexuality. When women are not seen as equals to men, they are more likely to be victimized through their sexuality. We need to generate evidence on what works and on the magnitude of the problem by carrying out population-based surveys, or including violence against women in population-based demographic and health surveys, as well as in surveillance and health information systems, promote egalitarian gender norms as part of life skills and comprehensive sexuality education curricula taught to young people, and prevent recurrence of violence through early identification of women and children who are experiencing violence and providing appropriate referral and support

violence against women - Google Search

Women who have experienced sexual assault are often blamed for the assault. Blaming a woman for another person’s choice to assault her is wrong. Many women who report sexual assault are asked questions about what they were wearing, whether they were drinking or using drugs, or where they were during the assault. These questions imply that the sexual assault was the victim’s fault. Sexual assault is always the responsibility of the person who committed the assault. It is never the victim’s fault. In order to end sexual violence against women, we must agree as a society that sexual contact between people cannot happen unless there is clear consent.

violence against women - Google Search


Sexual Violence is Preventable. (2020, May 01). Retrieved July 20, 2020, from

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Blog 3

Image result for pics of all race women together

Option 3

Identify and describe one message about beauty, weight/body image, food/nutrition, and exercise from your personal experience or culture that you want to share with other women. Why is this "The" important message to share with women Now?

The message that I would like to share with other women from my culture and what was instilled in me as a young lady growing up "You are beautiful inside and out no matter your shape, size or color. Embrace your beauty".  Women face unique challenges in having a positive view of themselves. Even though I was feeling young and beautiful and carefree on the inside, my own distorted self-perceptions around aging and appearance quickly brought me back to the reality of who I was on the outside and how I was supposed to behave. Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It's about knowing and accepting who you are. I would like women to know that it's okay that you can be whatever size you are, and you can be beautiful inside and out. We're always been told what's beautiful and what's not, and that's not right. Accept yourself completely, knowing you possess a combination of qualities. Instead of bringing attention to your weaknesses, view them as gifts to transform into the wholeness of your being.  Let go of striving for perfection and accept your identity. You are a complex being and your physical appearance is one facet of your existence. Every person is beautiful in his or her own way, and I believe people should embrace their natural beauty.

Image result for essay on embrace your beauty

I’m all about embracing your body and enjoying yourself, but I am also aware of the constant pressure to have the perfect body. embrace your body, you must learn to change your body image, which is how you perceive your body, and how you think other people perceive your body. Self-esteem and self-confidence. Embracing your body, to me, is more about accepting the things you cannot change. I also want women to know that no matter her size, shape, or features, every woman has natural beauty. It’s a simple rule we have to love ourselves completely. Beauty is within the eyes of ourselves. My motivation for keeping fit, though, is not to change who I am or alter in a drastic way how I look. I’ve worked hard to accept my flaws and embrace my beauty inside and out.